Singing Guide: Samuel Barber

Singing Guide: Samuel Barber

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

When it comes to classically trained vocalists, Samuel Barber's "Sure on this Shining Night" is a beautiful example of the singer's distinct style. Although Barber was quite a traditional composer, a lot of his vocal music has beautiful melodies that allow for unique, individual interpretations. With that in mind, there are a few techniques you can try out to add more color to your voice and echo Barber's distinctive sound.

In addition to a strong foundation in breath support, range, and pitch accuracy, Barber favored dynamic control and soft palate relaxation. This allows the singer to control their vibrato while reaching for Barber's higher notes and creating a rich sound that's both intense and lyrical.

Another signature aspect of Barber's vocal technique is his use of consonants, which often feature prominently in his compositions. Hence, focusing on clear articulation while softening the vocal muscles in the tongue, throat, and jaw during Barbers' songs is a great tip.

Despite his propensity for utilizing traditional classically trained techniques, Barber's influence can also be found in many modern performers and classical crossover styles of music. That means that, beyond simple tradition, exploring Barber's music and vocal style at length can help you develop a lifelong love and appreciation for singing, his unique style, and overall musicianship skills.

If you're interested in learning more about Barber's incredible vocal techniques, my first recommendation would be signing up for Singing Carrot's singing course, which includes vocal exercises to help you explore the vocal style while building new skills. You can also explore our search engine to find repertoire suggestions and unique artists who've covered his vocal styles successfully.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.